Layered superconductors as negative-refractive-index metamaterials


A. L. Rakhmanov, V. A. Yampol'skii, J. A. Fan, Federico Capasso, and Franco Nori. 2010. “Layered superconductors as negative-refractive-index metamaterials.” PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 81, 7.
physrevb.81.075101.pdf250 KB


We analyze the use of layered superconductors as strongly anisotropic metamaterials, which can possess negative-refractive-index in a wide frequency range. Superconductors are of particular interest because they have the potential to support low losses, which is critical for applications such as super-resolution imaging. We show that low-T(c) (s-wave) superconductors can be used to construct layered heterostructures with low losses for T << T(c). However, the real part of their in-plane effective permittivity is very large, making coupling into the structure difficult. Moreover, even at low temperatures, layered high-T(c) superconductors have a large in-plane normal conductivity, producing large losses (due to d-wave symmetry). Therefore, it is difficult to enhance the evanescent modes in either low-T(c) or high-T(c) superconductors.
Last updated on 05/23/2020