Gratings with an aperiodic basis: single-mode emission in multi-wavelength lasers


R. Blanchard, S. Menzel, C. Pfluegl, L. Diehl, C. Wang, Y. Huang, J-H Ryou, R. D. Dupuis, L. Dal Negro, and F. Capasso. 2011. “Gratings with an aperiodic basis: single-mode emission in multi-wavelength lasers.” New Journal of Physics, 13.


We propose a new class of gratings having multiple spatial frequencies. Their design relies on the use of small aperiodic grating sequences as unit cells whose repetition forms a superlattice. The superlattice provides well-defined Fourier components, while the choice of the unit cell structure enables the selection, modulation or suppression of certain Fourier components. Using these gratings to provide distributed feedback in mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers, we demonstrate simultaneous lasing on multiple well-defined and isolated longitudinal modes, each one having a sidemode suppression ratio of about 20 dB.
Last updated on 05/23/2020